Saturday, July 19, 2008

C2C Day 4 - July 17 - Grasmere to Patterdale - 8 miles

Woke up to a rainy day. After updating our blog we set off for Patterdale around 11am, knowing it would be a shorter day. The ascent was long and difficult, and we climbed steadily for 2 hours in the rain. Foot placement was always important as the rocks were steep and slippery. Once at the top we viewed Grisedale Tarn (a beautiful mountaintop lake). The weather improved for our descent down the valley into the village of Patterdale. Our B & B (Wordsworth cottage) was built in 1670 and we had a small but very charming room. We had dinner at the White Lion Inn and Pub where we met up with other Coast to Coasters we'd encountered along the way. Sean (a retired policeman from Northern Ireland), Walt and Pat (a retired couple from Virginia - what an inspiration Pat is for us. She's keeping pace on two artificial knees!), Michelle and Annike (young investment bankers from London doing the first 5 days of the trail), Penny and Marilyn (two friends from Britain who started with us at St Bees and who are doing a portion of the trail). Coast to Coast hikers tend to look out for one another along the way. It's been terrific bonding with others who share a common goal.

Leaving Patterdale

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