Wednesday, July 16, 2008

C2C Day 2 - Ennerdale Bridge to Rosthwaite - 14 miles

We are now in the beautiful Lake District. The day started off overcast as we walked along Ennerdale Lake . While we stopped to have our lunch at Black Sail Hut, it drizzled a bit, but the sun came out in the afternoon as we climbed straight up over to Honnister Pass. Although it was very rocky most of the way, (which made for pretty sore feet) the surroundings were beautiful. We stayed at the Royal Oak Hotel and had a wonderful evening with some of the local folk. We are positive that the people in northern England are the friendliest of all.

Ennerdale Lake
Our first major climb of the walk
The bridge over the river Derwent near Rosthwaite
Francine with seven wonderful British gentlemen who go walking when it is ladies day at the golf course.
Typical Lake District scenery - beautiful!

1 comment:

chris said...

Peter and Francine thanks for the latest photos. The hiking looks to becoming tougher. Any blisters as yet. Looking forward to your next update.

The Robinsons from downunder