Monday, July 21, 2008

C2C Day 8 - July 21 - Keld to Reeth - 12 Miles

We woke up to sunshine and beautiful blue skies and a gorgeous view of Swaledale from our room at Keld Lodge. We must be getting better at this since a 12 mile walk felt like a light day (we did take the low level valley route). We are now in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and the scenery has changed once more. Lush green rolling hills, meadow land, farms with stone barns, miles of stone fencing and the beautiful Swale River which we were never far from all day. It is a very dark brown/reddish colour due to the peaty soil in this area. Had a great lunch at the Punch Bowl Inn in Low Brow, a small village of 20 or so buildings where we watched the cows meander down the road at their leisure. We arrived early in Reeth, checked in to The Cambridge House Country Inn and updated our Blog. Now we are off to one of three pubs in town for dinner and a pint (or two)!

East Gill Force, Keld
Swaledale (Swale Valley)
Peter going through one of many squeeze stiles
Swale RiverThe village of Gunnerside
Lunch at the Punch Bowl Inn


Anonymous said...

Wow! Swaledale looks beautiful in the sunshine. And, with a mere a 12-mile "stroll" today, you must have had plenty of time to stop and appreciate the scenery!

I am glad you are enjoying the local brews. They make some pretty good beer up there, don't they? I remember a pint or two of the good stuff really hitting the spot after a hike in the Lake District the last time I was up that way. It was definitely worth building up a thirst for!

See you soon.


shaun l sowden said...

Hi Peter and Francine. So sad I didn't get to see you both before I had to leave Reeth. Knee too painfull. Thanks for the friendship and support. Enjoy your celebrationary trip. lunch date still stands, see you on Sat.Shaun.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, now you're in Herriott country - some of the most beautiful and remote in all of UK. Am glad the weather dried up a little bit for you as that can be a real drag. Just keep putting one foot in front of another and make good use of the moleskin. Love the pictures! I send you all my strength and good wishes. You are my heroes!


Anonymous said...

Hey, is that sunshine in your pictures??? We are totally amazed and impressed by your perseverance in not only doing this walk, but keeping all of us updated on the journey.
When you get home maybe you can walk to London and show us all of your pictures.
Vicki and Chris