Thursday, June 19, 2008

Step 1 - Let's create the blog!

Hi everyone,
Well Peter has been bugging me to create a blog about our upcoming trip. Seems that many of our friends and family would like to follow us on our journey. So here goes. The blog is now created and hopefully we will be able to update you on a regular basis. Who knows? We may not have internet access... We may not be able to upload photos... We may even get lost, never to be heard from again!!! But we'll give it a try.


Unknown said...

Have a great trip and have fun. Happy Anniversary.

Barry & Monique

Anonymous said...

Hope your anniversary walk will be awesome. Happy 25th! Enjoy the experience together - it will be something you will always remember. Can't wait for the pictures and the narrative. Watch out for those big, black, slimy snails - they're everywhere! They make your boots slippery. Stuff newspaper into your boots at night if you're a little wet. It dries them right up. Have a blast - Pat.

Anonymous said...

Just received this info today, enjoy yourselves to the utmost.. Will be staying tuned to your web site.. Have a great time and God Bless! Happy Anniversary
Cousin Melba

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the scenery and wonderful people you meet along the way!

S & Q

Unknown said...

Hi guys, heard Louis gave you some GPS and map training, hope he gave you the right stuff, you know he hasn't done that since his militia days in the early 80s....

Keep us posted along your trip and have a wonderful time!!

Oh, and happy anniversary for us all in Kansas!

Mo and the gang.

Anonymous said...

If piglet and Pooh go missing - don't forget... I know where to find you! (at least for the next 14 days)
Have a great walk and have a happy Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Steve & Janet.

FRANKD said...

Hey Francine,
You look great atleast 20 years younger than Pete.what are you doing to that poor bugger.?
Have a great trek..see you both soon in Montreal..