Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coast to Coast Where?

For those of you wondering where exactly it is that we'll be hiking, here are a couple of maps which might be helpful:

We'll start off from St. Bees on the morning of Monday July 14th and plan to arrive at Robin Hood's Bay on the 26th.


Anonymous said...

Hi Francine and Peter,
Here's a quick note from your biggest supporter from Holland!!! All the best of luck reaching the eastcoast of England. If you want to keep on walking (remember Forrest Gump.....?) just catch the boat to Gotenburg and walk across Sweden. Our house is about halfway and a perfect location for a day of rest! Enjoy your time and we will be checking in regularly.

Jackie M said...

Hi folks,
Thanks for the maps. It will be neat to keep track of your progress and recognize the names of the little towns whenever you post a comment to your blog. All the best to both of you. I know you will have a wonderful adventure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Francine and Peter

Thanks for sending your Coast to Coast Info...I am excited and happy for you both to be spending your anniversary in such as awesome way. Have a great time...Keep sending the photos...
Love you