Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Path of the Gods

The Sentiero degli Dei - Path of the Gods - Italy

While on a trip to the Amalfi Coast, Itlay and Sicily with our friends Ken & Steph Wade, we took a day to hike the famous Path of the Gods. Starting in Positano, we took a bus up to the mountain village of Nocelle and from there hiked to Agerola / Bomerano. The views over Positano and Praiano as well as of the coastline along the way were stunning! The island of Capri could be seen in the distance. The hike wasn't too difficult, just rocky and narrow along portions cliffside. We saw wild herbs growing along the path as well as terraced gardens. Returning from Agerola, we stopped at the Convento di San Domenico for our picnic lunch. We then hiked down to the village of Praiano and after visiting for a bit, took a bus back to Positano.