Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coast to Coast Where?

For those of you wondering where exactly it is that we'll be hiking, here are a couple of maps which might be helpful:

We'll start off from St. Bees on the morning of Monday July 14th and plan to arrive at Robin Hood's Bay on the 26th.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Step 1 - Let's create the blog!

Hi everyone,
Well Peter has been bugging me to create a blog about our upcoming trip. Seems that many of our friends and family would like to follow us on our journey. So here goes. The blog is now created and hopefully we will be able to update you on a regular basis. Who knows? We may not have internet access... We may not be able to upload photos... We may even get lost, never to be heard from again!!! But we'll give it a try.